Summer Goal Time! In other words: Where do you want to be weight wise Labor Day? 12 weeks away...Have you set your goal yet? NO??? (She said incredulously!) Then do it NOW! Tres EZ! Go to Summer Goal print it out. Now fill it out and be reasonable when you are filling it out, seriously! Set a Goal you can make taking into consideration what you have planned this Summer. Now list 3 things you are going to do to get there. And be realistic here as well. What do you need to do better, or need to start doing or maybe its something new to try. But 3 things! Now put this Summer Goal somewhere you will see it everyday and get to work! You can do this...I KNOW you can! Why? Because you WANT it! And that trumps everything else!
Crock Pot Swiss Steak All Power Foods!

HINT: If you haven't tried the Tuscan Herb and Vegetable Side now is the time. I like it as is but what I really love using it for is to flavor soup! Make a pot of vegetable soup and add a cup of the Tuscan Herb and Vegetable Side and it will flavor the whole pot and only adds 4 PPVs to the whole pot! YUMMMMMO! I Double-Dog-Dare yoU!
Featured item this week: Dining Out Companion and Complete Food Companion $7.45 each!!!
Featured item this week: Dining Out Companion and Complete Food Companion $7.45 each!!!
What are you doing today to move you closer to your goal?
BRAIN FOOD "Don't wait. The time will never be just
right." — Napoleon Hill
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