Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Move it-Move it-Lose it!


Summer is a wonderful time to get with family for reunions and vacations. But is also a great time to  get in healthty putside sunshine gardening, walking with the family, swimming, and don't forget all the activity that gets done on vacation!  The point is that you don't forsake your activity. Everything you do standing on your 2 feet is activity. Really!  Some is your every day life stuff but that counts too.  Above that is a PLUS!  Here are a couple of things to remember about your activity:

1.  If you are a member of Weight Watchers and making a lifestyle change remember it is just that...a change in your life for the REST of your life.  Don't start something now that you are not willing to do from now on!  

2.  Pick something you  like to do.  And even change it up from time to time.

3.  Don't obsess about it!  Jeez!  It's like the eating part of our lifestyle change.  Do the best you can and learn from your not so successful days.  Trying to be perfect just gives you license to chuck it if you are not...and most of us are NOT!  God only asks us for our best....who are we to ask for more?  Hmmmm????  Think about that one.

4.  Be consistent as much as you can.  Set aside time to be active.  Yes you have time!  You just have to admit that it is important. You are important.  And don't you forget it!

So there are you are.  Think about it and make a plan for this week.  Make it reasonable.  Make it something you can and will do.  If you don't enjoy it,  do something else.  But DO SOMETHING!  T*A*I*S!

Personal Note: I use the word think a lot.  That's what this is all about.  Thinking about what we are doing.  We have given up the luxury of NOT thinking about what we are doing if we are serious about our lifestyle change.  End-O-Sermon... >^.^<

INTERESTING STUFF   Salad Cheat Sheet  This is soooo much fun!


Cauli-Tato Salad  I can eat this all myself!  >^.^<


Candy Time!  July 8 through July 28.  Fruities, Cappuccino Cream Melts, and new Citrus Drops just $1.75 per Duo-Pack. Stock up on favorites and try out the new Citrus Drops, a new soft, jelly candy in refreshing orange and lemon flavors.  
Get to stockin'!  These are great for that  "I'm not really hungry but I need something in my mouth.." time!  In the the movie...under get the idea!  Just plain great to have handy!  T*A*I*S!

BRAIN FOOD:    "Sometimes when things seem to be falling apart they are actually falling into place."   Now that's a thinker...

Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me!

Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...


At Your Meeting...

     Build a smarter salad!  Who can't use that info???

Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012



Staying around the house for any reason if you are not used to it is a real eye-opener. At least it has been for me.   I seem to always be in the kitchen.  What I have learned, which I already knew, but somehow it got away from me...and I am learning it again...NO RED LIGHT FOODS IN THE HOUSE!!!  I am just not that strong.  It was one thing when I was gone most of the day.  But being here under "house arrest" after my surgery is different.  Under the guise of cleaning out my pantry I am finding stuff I am hard pressed to pass up.  That coupled with the amazing fact that I only gained 3# from the surgery, when it is usually 13! makes my brain think I can eat what I want for a while...seriously!  Do you get that mind set?  I am really having to work at staying focused.  I know this too shall pass but I don't want it to pass and leave me with 10 extra pounds!  So this weeks meeting is especially good!  Taking our slip ups and learning from them.  But you have to stay focused to do that...and bottom line is you have to WANT to stay on plan more than you want whatever is tempting you...Your Call... T*A*I*S!


Delicious!  Refreshing!  Only 3PPVs per 1/2 cup serving!

Candy Time!  July 8 through July 28.  Fruities, Cappuccino Cream Melts, and new Citrus Drops just $1.75 per Duo-Pack. Stock up on favorites and try out the new Citrus Drops, a new soft, jelly candy in refreshing orange and lemon flavors.  
Get to stockin'!  These are great for that  "I'm not really hungry but I need something in my mouth.." time!  In the the movie...under get the idea!  Just plain great to have handy!  T*A*I*S!

How is your Summer Goal going? Where do you want to be on Labor Day???  There's a thinker...

BRAIN FOOD:    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are."
— Marianne Williamson: is a spiritual activist, author, and lecturer 

Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me!

Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...


At Your Meeting...

       Turn slip-ups into SUCCESS! Cuz it's useable info about you!

Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate onEnjoying life!


Thursday, July 5, 2012



Sorry I was AWOL last week.  Had neck sugery and am still trying to get my bearings back!  The surgery went very well and the neck is stabilized and we are ready to fix the back ASAP.  Praise God for modern Medicine and my awesome Drs!!!

On to my ramblings for this week...

Fireworks are so beautiful and crazy and all over the place...and that's what I feel like. 
 So you are going to get a few tips and hints I have found and I am hoping they make sense!!!

1.  Found an awesome new (to me) way to fix fresh corn on the cob.  Put ear in Microwave as it is, shucks, silk and all.  4 minutes.  Remove with potholder cuz that sucker is HOT!  Cut off about an inch of the stalk end.  Now hold the silk end .  Gently shake sideways and VOILA!  It slips out CLEAN AS A WHISTLE!!!  And delicious!  and HOT!   T*A*I*S!

2.  New take on the 3-2-1 Cake.  (3 Tbsp cake mix, 2 Tbsp water, 1 minute in microwave.)  This is the new part...I substituted the 2 Tbsp water for 2 Tbsp crushed pineapple packed in water.   WOW!  and then put fresh strawberries and blueberries on it and a blop of at free whipped topping!  OH YEZ!!!

3.  New way to enjoy apples:  Cut up in bite size pieces an dust with cinnamon and a little Splenda...all to your taste.  I love LOTS-O-Cinnamon!

4. Mobile Apps...CUZ I LOVE 'EM and USE 'EM!
     First you better have Weight Watchers Mobile AND Weight Watchers Barcode Scanner.   T*A*I*S!

     Next I love Minamalist To DO List.  It is easy to use and just makes my list with notes if I want without a bunch of extra junk!
     I also use Grocery IQ.  Makes lists of needs at stores you use.  You set up the stores.   There is a favorites list you can set up with stuff you always get.

I also love Aldi's and they have a free app that lets you know what the weeks specials are and you can make a list there and put the prices in and    know what it will cost you when you go.  Plus it will remind you of the specials you are interested in.

So there you have it!   Nana's favorites!  All are free and EZ to use. 

5.  My latest Acronym:  AWARE   

A  Am I really Hungry?
W  Will it satisfy me?
A  Are it worth it?  ( I know... grammatically incorrect but I bet you remember it!!! And important...
If it's not worth it chose something else.) 
R  Really think!
E  ENJOY!!!  You made the decision now enjoy it.  If it was the wrong decision don't do it again.

INTERESTING STUFF   Growing Healthy Eaters


Strawberry Spinach Salad  This salad is a HIT no matter where I take it!  And strawberries are really great right now.  

  Until July 28th:  All Weight Watchers Mini-Bars, Smoothies,and Oatmeal! $4.95 each!!!  

Need some Ideas for the Smoothies?  Great for summer cooling off!       Smoothie Recipe Bonanza

I miss my members and teams!  Just sayin'... Can't wait to get back!  

BRAIN FOOD:   Oh man...this hits close too home YIKES...   

"Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."
— Warren Buffett: Investor, billionaire, and philanthropist 

Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me!

Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...


At Your Meeting...

       Turn slip-ups into SUCCESS! Cuz it's useable info about you!

Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate onEnjoying life!
