Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A wish changes nothing...


Do you have a plan for the Holi-DAZE?  If not Why not?  Planning for success is the only way to get there.  And now is the time.  The Holi-DAZE have started and we are already making decisions that will affect our weight loss journey. How are you doing?  There are 3 choices you can make about what will happen between now and January 1st, 2013... Lose, Maintain, Gain.  The decision is yours.  Make the decision now and then plan to make it happen.  Having no plan leaves you floating in the wind...using the old crutch of  I'll get back on track next week...Did that work last time?  Didn't for me.  Will it this time...NO...so let's change it up.  Small changes that will make the Holi=Daze easier and less stressful.  Think back to other Holi-DAZE and see what needs to change to make this year better! Baby Steps! Throw the crutches out...cuz if a crutch is there you WILL use it!  And how about making sure you have time to exercise?  It will make you feel better and keep your energy level up.  Which in turn leads to better decisions! Yup! Forget the wishing...get pro-active on YOU!  T*A*I*S!

INTERESTING STUFF   ActiveLink  Love this thing!  Fun and sooo productive!



Pumpkin Cinnamon Chip Muffins  Soooo Yum-A-Licious!

If you find you’re running around a lot this season, how could wearing our Pedometer turn
it into a positive experience? How could knowing the number of steps you’re taking
motivate you to stay on Program with your eating? Pedometers are 25% off this week!

BRAIN FOOD: "A wish changes nothing; a decision change everything!"

Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com

Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...


Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!

A wish changes nothing...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Power to us...foods that is!


I am  a volume eater.  If you aren't familiar with that term let me explain:  I don't really care what I am eating...just so I can eat it until I am satisfied!  Got the picture?  It used to be a problem until Weight Watcher's came to my rescue with (Giant Drum Roll...) POWER FOODS.!!! They are real POWER Tools in our journey to getting weight off and keeping it off! They are listed on page 42 of your Meet PointsPlus 2012 book.  Basically Power Foods are non-processed foods including fruits, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains (including certain breads), non-fat dairy and dairy substitutes and MORE!  Check out the list in your book. The Power in the Power Foods is that they will keep you satisfied longer with less volume as most are high in fiber and protein.  If you have noticed  hunger spells at a certain time each day look at your tracker and see what you are eating before that.  It is probably not a Power Food! SO make a change. And see what a diference it makes. Another tool we have as Weight Watchers is the Simply Filling Technique (Page 54) in case you are not very good at tracking or maybe don't want to one day or one week...  In this technique you eat only power foods, until SATISFIED! (that's the important part!)  If you want something that is not a Power Food you still have the 49 Weekly PPVs to use for that. You do have to track those.  I love the Power Foods and there are days I use the Simply Filling Technique.  Both are awesome.  I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS   Why?  Because it has a plan to fit everyone and all lifestyles ...you just have o make it fit yours! Make it YOUR plan.  It will only work if it fits your lifestyle and you WILL do it.  If you haven't tried the Power Foods this is the week! And I can guarantee you it will really help over the HOLI-DAZE!  T*A*I*S!

INTERESTING STUFF    Help your kid develop a good body image.


Funzies:  Hula Hoopin' Elephant  Color Page


Bev's Chicken and Cabbage Pasta  All Power Foods! Yummmmmo!

  Run  don't walk to the nearest Weight Watchers meeting or store!  Until November 24th:  All Cookbooks are 1/2 off, All Fuities are $1.75 (if you haven't tried the new Citrus Drops...GOOD!  More for ME!  :-), All Mini-Bars and Oatmeal and Smoothies $4.95 each.  Holy Moly!  Is that a sale or what!?  Get in your car NOW! 

BRAIN FOOD: "Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor."
Brian Tracy: is a self-help author and motivational speaker

Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com

Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...


Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It all counts...so NO EXCUSES!


More. That's what we need to do. Just more. Not run a 5K tomorrow if you haven't been exercising at all. Just do more today than you did yesterday. If you did nothing yesterday then 5 minutes today is MORE!   Don't swear to track for a month solid when you haven't tracked in ever. Or swear  to go to a WW meeting every week when you haven't been in a year. Seriously!  If you didn't track for the last month then tracking a couple of days this week is more!  If you haven't been to a meeting in a while just go to one and see how it goes.  Don't make some crazy pledge because you know what?  It ends up being an excuse NOT TO DO whatever.  You look at the pledge to go to the gym and then the first day say Hey I don't  have time for that...so I'll do nothing.  Or I don't have a smartphone to track with or the PPVs right at hand so what's the use of trying?  Just start with writing down what you eat...no PPVs or nutrition info.  Just the food and serving size   That will be a start, and usually an eye opener!  It will give you the motivation to do better tomorrow...either with tracking, meetings or activity.  Besides just doing it...IT has to be something you CAN and WILL do.  Got it???  After the Summer I've had I am still not able to do much...ok, who am I kidding?  I have never been much at the E word..EXERCISE.  But I see the need for it as my body turns on me and here's what my more is right now until I can get to More more...I get in the hot tub several time a week and when I do I do legs kicks and scissor kick and bicycle motions.  It is so much easier in the water and I would not be able to do them out of the water.  But the point is I am doing something now!  Not much to you young athletic types, but it's huge for me.  What's more it gives me the "want" to do even more! Hope I am making sense and not just rambling.  But I think you get the drift.  Every little bit helps.  What can you do this week in 5 minutes a day that will help in your journey?  Think about it and then write it down and put it somewhere you will see it. You can even change it at will...you are the Master of your journey!  T*A*I*S!

INTERESTING STUFF    5 Minute Check-Up



Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti  This is a favorite with all ages and all groups! T*A*I*S!

 "The greatest discovery you'll ever make, is the potential of your own mind."José Silva: was an American parapsychologist and author

Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com

Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...


Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

So Little Time


Time Time Time!  We all have to deal with the judicious spending of our precious 24 hours each day.  Family. Work.  Me Time. Let's  jump straight to the Me Time thing.  Most of us feel so guilty taking  Me Time.  GET OVER IT!  It is very necessary/important.  Me Time is what keeps us going, grounded, focused. Part of your Me Time is the exercise...yes exercise/activity!  You can't take care of your responsibilities unless you are healthy, fit,  and ready.  Healthy eating and exercise should be part of your day.  If you are like me I always thought, "I don't have time or money to go to the gym so I guess I won't do anything!"  Holy Moly! That was an excuse.  I found there are a zillion other things that will fill that spot and get us fitter than we are right now and that don't require extra anything.  And easy too. Hold the Presses: Seriously?  YUP!  In only 10 minutes you can do yourself some real good!  A study showed that people who  got 72 minutes a week (10 minutes a day) exercise improved their fitness level more than those who worked out longer...how about them healthy apples???  And you know you have 10 minutes. While you are on the phone, stuck at the airport, shopping, watching TV.  NOTE: All movement counts.  Now is the time to use the tools you have available to help you and make it more fun.  E-tools (Fitness Tab has 10 minute workouts and videos), ActiveLink (Now that is really fun!  You can see your progress and set our own goals. It is awesome!  Learn more by clicking on the link below) Pedometer.  Or just use our head to come up with something that will fit YOUR lifestyle and that you WILL do...both are key in all this. Make this the week you get in 10 minutes a day.  It doesn't have to be the same thing, every day is different.  JUST DO!!! (to quote Yoda)



2 words:  AWE....SOME!!!

 When a goal matters enough to a person, that person will find a way to accomplish what at first seemed impossible. - Nido Qubein

Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com

Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...


Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!
