This week a really good example of not reading the label on food came up. A lady bought a package of beautiful, lean, smoked pork chops. She said according to the nutrition label they were 2 PPVs each. I thought WOW! So I went to SAMs to get a package. The more I looked at them the more I thought it was too good to be true. So I did the math myself. Yes, according to the numbers on the label it was 2PPVs. However, the serving size was 3 oz and on number of servings it said "varies". It varies on the weight of the package you buy. I did the math again, figuring the ounces in the package I had then dividing by 7 (number of chops in my package) and they came to 6 ounces each chop. So each chop is 2 servings and 4 PPVs each. Still worth it but NOT 2 PPVs. Do you see why it is sooooo important to READ the label...ALLTHE INFO! To quote one of my favorite shows...It's a jungle out there! (Monk). Go forth and READ! 'Nuf said...'
INTERESTING STUFF: The Incredible Edible Egg! I love eggs and found this article so interesting.

SALE!!! March 3-23 the mini bars and smoothies and oatmeal are on sale. Time to try the new guys!!! Strawberry Delight Oatmeal, Key Lime Pie Surprise Mini-Bar and Mint Cookies and Cream Smoothie. Of course I've tried them all and can highly recommend each and everyone!!! $4.95 each!!! Time to stock up to help reach your goal!!! T*A*I*S!
Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com
Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...
Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Weigh/Measure It!

Each food you eat has a serving size. Each food you eat has weight. When you track these foods how accurate are you? More importantly do you realize how critical that is? We have so many tools to help and make or so easy so there is no reason not to be accurate!!! How often should you measure? EVERY TIME YOU CAN! That's right... EVERY TIME YOU CAN! There are plenty of times you won't be able too, but when you can DO! You will be so surprised what a difference it makes. The more you weigh the more trained your eye gets and when you can't measure you are more likely to estimate better. The difference between guessing and estimating: Estimating is using all the available information and making and informed decision when you track. Guessing is putting down what you wish it was...sound familiar? I use the Weight Watchers Easy Measure Spoons And ladle. And the WW electronic scale. Awesome! I know exactly what I have and can track accurately. YEAH!!! This week concentrate on weighing and measuring more accurately. And its not how much you can load on the Easy Measure spoon...it's LEVELED!!! Over loading your measuring device can make as much as 2 PPVs difference! YIKES! �� Through the day that can make a big difference...and let's not even talk about the week...or should we??? You have your
assignment... T*A*I*S!
assignment... T*A*I*S!
INTERESTING STUFF: On your tracker in eTools you will notice a little camera icon. This is to use on those occasions when you can't track at the time. Take a picture of the plate and it will save to your tracker. Then later you can recall the picture thru your tracker and count up the PPVs and track the meal more accurately. How cool is that? And so much more accurate than guessing in a hurry before you eat it. And if you try to remember it on your own I guarantee you will forget part of what was on the plate. Not going to happen with the Snap and Track!! Thank you Weight Watchers!!!
Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com
Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...
Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Monday, February 4, 2013
Move It-Move It-Lose It!
Ah, the infamous E word. Everyone has a different interpretation of what this means. But whatever your take on the idea of exercise the important thing is that you do SOMETHING...anything...more than yesterday if you are just getting started. If you did nothing yesterday then 5 minutes today is MORE. You say, "Fooey. 5 minutes won't help". I beg to differ. The Important thing is that you DID SOMETHING. What this does is show you that you can actually do something and it gets you in a frame of mind that doesn't cringe every time the idea of exercise enters your thought process. OK. Now that we have that established it's a matter of choosing an exercise. Something you WILL do and enjoy so you look forward to it each time. It can be the same thing all the time or you can mix it up. Dancing, yoga, Zumba, martial arts, whatever ill keep you motivated. Also important is setting aside time to DO it. Look at your weekly schedule and see where you can get it in...easily. 30 minutes most days of the week. Or break it up into 3 10 minutes sessions or 2 15's. make it fit your routine and schedule and let's get with it this week!!! T*A*I*S!
Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com
Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...
Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Yes I can!!!
Attitude and belief in yourself is what makes us do or not do. Pass or fail. Succeed or not. Desire is important too, but if you repeatedly tell yourself I don't think I can, but I'll try...right there you are giving yourself a crutch and an OK to fail. You have to believe you can. You are not perfect, are you? So some weeks are near awesome and others are not so swell. But you know you CAN do it. Look at want you have accomplished in your life. YOU did it. You may have had help but it was YOU that reached the goal. In your weight loss journey it so important to realize this it is a lifestyle change. No getting your weight off and going back to what you did before. Nope. It is up to you to believe you can do this...one small step at a time...then get started. Or continue toward your goal. We are ll in this together. And together we CAN do it! T*A*I*S! Are you with me?
INTERESTING STUFF: Hungry Girl Must Have Grocery List. 2013
INTERESTING STUFF: Hungry Girl Must Have Grocery List. 2013
Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com
Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...
Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

Plan-Exercise-And-Concentrate on Enjoying life!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
I know I sound like a broken record but you MUST PLAN!!! No way around it if you really want to be successful. Plan meals, snacks, activity and exercise and time for yourself. Yes, time for yourself is very important. But getting back to meal planning...if you have something planned for dinner you will feel better about the day or the week if you plan that far ahead. Things can still go South on you but for those occasions I still have a plan ..S*O*U*P! I always have a pot of some kind of soup in the fridge ready for that last minute dinner, or gotta have a snack time. Mostly I just clean out the fridge and Voila! S*O*U*P! Right now I have a pot of it on the stove...it has leftover chicken, some onions I had chopped for hot dogs, a green pepper that was a bit wrinkly, some chopped baby carrots (always have those on hand with dip for a snack) leftover corn, a 32 ounce box of chicken broth and 3 Tbsp (one package) dry Ranch dressing. There you are...S*O*U*P! (Oh, here is my acronym for S*O*U*P...Stay On Ur Plan! ) Sometimes I want my S*O*U*P thick and I do not want to add any PPVs I just take about 1/2 of the S*O*U*P and zap it in the blender and add it back to the pot. Perfect! What have you got in your fridge that will make a great soup? If you fixed it in the first place and then kept the left overs you like whatever it is. So it will be delicious in your soup. Get a pot going now! T*A*I*S!
Crock Pot Taco Chicken You can also shred this and put in Taco shells or wrap in lettuce leaves as lettuce wraps. >^.^<

Take a look at the new Eat Out and Shop companion books. TheEat Out one has soooo many new restaurants and foods. So much Info for PLANNING your eating out occasions! The Shop one is a perfect companion to PLANNING our meals and shopping list! Buy both and it is $19.95...regularly $11.95 each! What a deal!
I keep the Eat one in my car for the grandkids to look at and pick where we are going to eat. Then I tell them how many PPVs I want to spend and they find me something to eat at that restaurant. Family Fun! And they are learning as well.
BRAIN FOOD: "It's not what you've got but what you use that makes the difference." Zig Ziglar
BRAIN FOOD: "It's not what you've got but what you use that makes the difference." Zig Ziglar
Questions or comments? PLEASE don't hesitate to email me! nana@heynana.com
Need some random thoughts to keep you going? I have a zillion of them...check me out on FaceBook: Nana's BeeLine ... if you dare...
Have a wonderfully blessed and successful week!

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